Saturday, February 6, 2010

Renee Benson's Blog

I learned of Renee few weeks back when my teammate Jame gave a mission moment about Renee. Renee started fighting cancer since she was 21 and she is now 29. A rough time for a young beautiful girl.

Time after time I ask myself what am I supposed to do when I hear things like this?

Do I want to feel fortunate after hearing things like this? No.
Do I want to feel bad for Renee? No, I don't think she wants us to feel bad for her
Do I help the world by donating more money? Maybe

I am still searching for the answer. The only thing I know is I should support her in some way, so I PR the Carlsbad Half Marathon in honored of Renee.

Renee's Blog

1 comment:

Jen said...

Hi Louis - I was so sad to hear about Renee's death yesteday. It puts so much into perspective...