Sunday, March 29, 2009

March 27-29, 2009: Wildflower Training Weekend

Writing postcards or blog... I'll take blog first.

Japan was awesome! I met up with my friends, ate great food, and ran a marathon... what else can I ask for? well more time!!! So you may ask... why come back so quickly? One word... training! I got back on the 24th (tue), took 2 days rest, then headed out to Lake Antonio for the Wildflower Training Weekend near San Luis Obispo.

Friday... getting up there.
Got there around 12 or so. Set up my tent and chill for the rest of the day. I made pasta for dinner. I bought 'individually' packaged spam for this weekend and my teammates went crazy with it... not because they want to eat it, but because they wonder how the heck will actually eat that stuff. Well, that's why you guys all have 6 packs and I don't.

Sat... swim, then bike 56mi
Got up at around 4am to avoid the restroom line. At 7 something we headed down the lake to swim for 40 minutes. I however, turned around early because the guy told me I should head back early. Well I did swim nonstop... it's just that I wasn't really going anywhere... oh well.

After the swim we headed out for the bike. First two miles it's fine. Then we have to go up to this monster. My legs were burning but I suck it up and got to the top. I really don't know how... I think my brain blocked that part of the memory because it was too painful. I had that Louis you should of !#@#$@#$ lose weight a lot time ago moment.

After that monster #1 we have some rolling hills... nothing too crazy... I don't know why but my average was kind of slow. Moving on, I am over it.

So few hours later I arrived to the big boy called nasty grade... I was talking to this one guy and he gave me some pointers... oh my god... my leg were burning!!! I wanted to stop but no one did... so I keep going at it. Finally... I got to the top. The coach told us there are few more hills but we should be ok. I stopped for several minutes on top of nasty grade to chill at the aid station. After a while I got back to my bike and start going up hill again.

The hill was steep but it seems easier because I just did nasty grade. Yes... it's weird... after you bike a hard hill other hills become easier.

la la la la la... that's what I was thinking in my leg. THEN... my leg started to cramp... both of them. I go oh crap... I quickly unclip my shoe so I am standing on one leg, I then unclip my other one. IT was cramping so bad I can't get off my bike... so I held on to my bike for a good few minutes. Holly crap! Finally I got the strength to get off my bike and I just sat on the side of the road. Since I don't have a lot of experience on thigh cramp so I just keep rubbing my thighs.

Here I am... in the middle of the road... bike on the side,sitting up with looking kind of lost. I definitely looked like one of those guy that crashed... just like a race car driver sitting on the grass after the crash... that's how I looked like.

So a few teammates passed by and they asked me if I am ok. I told them I had cramp and they kept going. Someone gave me 2 tablets that are supposed to be good for cramping. I know it will take a while to work. So do I give up? I only had 9 more miles to go and I finished nasty grade. I think I can call it a day. While my mind was going thru what I should do, Mentor Kelley showed up.

I told her what happened and she said she will stay with me for a while. I told her I am going to try. And if I am really in pain I will have the SAG car pick me up. I took a few minutes to walk around. Finally the cramp went away... at least temperoary. I got back to my bike and I continue. I go easy on the uphill just so I don't cramp again.

Several miles later, both of my legs cramped up again. This time however, Kelley helped me get off my bike. I walked around in pain... then try to stretch. Do I give up? No. I am so closed, I want to finish it. But more important, I decided to go on because I am only having cramps. On the other hand, My little friend Tyler are going thru Chemo. I told myself this is nothing compare to Chemo, so I got on to my bike and bike again.

So several miles later, I cramped again. Same old story... I got off my bike and try to walk. My thighs hurt like hell. Having passing teammates cheer for me and having mentor Kelley follow me definitely help with the metal aspect of the bike. After a good few minutes, I got on my bike and go again.

I finished.

Why did I cramp? Not enough Salt? Running Tokyo Marathon only 6 days prior? Sitting on the plane for hours? I have no clue. What I do know is, I now have doubt on the ride. On race day, I won't be comfortable until I finish the ride.

Great, now I have both the swim and the bike to worry about!

Sun... Run 13.1 mi, pack, and head home
Sunday was fine. I got up early and did the run. I ran very slow because I want to recover from Tokyo Marathon. I finished near 3 hours. The run is actually pretty easy to me. We'll see on raceday.


Jennifer said...

Good job! You finished. My right leg kept cramping at Lake San Antonio swim. My coach said that I didn't have enough electrolytes in me and that I need to start taking in more electrolytes two days prior to event.

Jennifer said...

Should I admit that I keep Spam in my pantry? I put diced Spam in my omelet or in fried rice when I don't have ham.

Janey Jane said...

wait.....was this the actual wildflower Tri? or were you guys just there for training?

Louis K said...

We were there for training. The real thing in a few weeks.